Use Immer to Manage Your Immutable React State
Pass the reigns to Immer when it comes to maintaining immutability when working with your app state
I like to learn, build & write about things I find interesting. They often times coincide with React โ๏ธ. I'm currently working as a software engineer with a lovely team at Higharc.
Pass the reigns to Immer when it comes to maintaining immutability when working with your app state
How my experience with TypeScript has made me a better developer
Manage your Firestore app's Auth with Firestore & database logic with classes
Pass stateful CRUD operations from parent to child more safely with TypeScript
Defining a single, strongly typed component to handle role-based navigation
A simple reminder that React, itself, is a state manager
Lessons I've learned, often the hard way, in my first year as a professional developer
Using React portals and React hooks to create a pleasant, reusable modal experience
One of my favorite things to do in React lately is build custom hooks. Here's two that I use a lot!
A look into how to manage state in React using just the Context API while applying Redux principles